Civil Engineering

Concrete Technology Lab



Major equipment Available/ Likely to be made available

Testing Facilities for

1. Ultrasonic Non Destractive test apparatus for concrete Sr. No.709030251

2. Mechanical Weighing Scale cap-10 Kg.

3. Mechanical Weighing Scale cap-5 Kg. ,2Kg., 1 Kg.

4. Volume Change Apparatus

5. Cube Mould Steel for 70.6 mm cube with ISI mark is-10086

6. Vibrating Machine confirming to is 4031:1968

7. Bulk Density Voids & Bulking 3,15,30 liters and one tamping bar

8. Concrete Permability Apparatus

9. Electrical Weighing Scale Make:-Master Sr No. 1110170

10. Electrical Weighing Scale Make:-Master Sr No. 1110179 capacity 200kg.

11. Horizontal shake Table with Cylindrical Make:-Millenium

12. HT158 Ht Cylindrical Mould

13. HT 163 HT Beam Mould

14. HT 107 HT LE chtelier Mould

15. Air Permabeality Apparatus blane type

16. Cylindrical Mould 15x30cm.

17. Cubical Mould 15x15x15cm with base plate

18. Trovels

19. Insets for HEICO make;- UTM material EN36

20. Shear Mould Size:-150x150x450cm

21. Digital Dial Gauge

22. Digital Extensometer

23. Concrete Core Cutter

24. Aggregate Impact Testing machine with one metal measure for aggregate

25. Crushing Value apparatus . Make:-Aimil

26. Cube mould Size;-15cm

27. Cube mould Size;-10cm

28. Lateral Extensometer veriable gauge lenth 40mm to 120mm .

29. Mould cube 15cm

30. Mould cube15x30cm

31. Mould cast iron for 15cm

32. Profometer 5 rebort Locator

33. Digi-Schmid Type ND concrete test Hammer

34. 4"Angle Grinder cum cutter

35. Vibrating Table for Vibrating

36. Core Bit 100mm Dig. AIMIL

37. Accelerated Curing Tank

38. Compaction Factor apparatus

39.Sieves of 8' dia made of brass having meshes 3.35mm, 1.70mm and 850 microns.

40. Vicat apparatus

- Testing of cement

- Concrete Mix design

- Tests on Fresh Concrete

- Tests on Hardened Concrete