Civil Engineering



Sr. No. Name of Lab Area(in Sq./Meter) Cost of Equipment(in R.S.)
1 Computer Laboratory 130.68 16,00,000
2 Environmental Laboratory 130182 11,03,352
3 Fluid Mechanic Laboratory 174.84 10,00,000
4 Geology Laboratory 137.5 28,12,024.75
5 Geotechnical Laboratory 229 13,75,361.75
6 Surveying Laboratory 112.53 12,67,635
7 Applied Mechanics Lab 151.25 1.23
8 Computer Lab 193.53 26.08
9 Strength of Material lab 188.93 34.24
10 Transportation Engineering 117.04 1926166
11 Concrete Technology Lab 121.0 14.40