Civil Engineering

Strength of Material Lab


Sr. No. Name of Major Equipments Purpose
1 Universal testing Machine To find out strength of material in compression, tension, flexure and shear
2 Compression Testing Machine To find out strength of material in compression,
3 Concrete Mixer For mixing concrete ingredients
4 Los Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine To find abrasion and impact value of aggregate
5 Tile Flexure Testing Machine To find flexural strength.
6 NDT machine To find out strength of RCC members
7 Concrete Table Vibrator For mixing and compaction of concrete.
8 Cement mould vibrator For mixing and compaction of concrete.
9 Tensometer To evaluate the tensile properties of materials such as their Young's modulus
10 Tile Abrasion Testing Machine ----
11 Universal Testing Machine (Electronic) To find out strength of material in compression, tension, flexure and shear
12 Hardness Testing Machine To find hardness number of metals.
13 I Zod Impact Testing Machine ----
14 Centrifugal Force Apparatus To understand centrifugal force and to find out centrifugal force experimentally
15 Shake Table To introduce exciting force in model of structure.