Mechanical Engineering




Sr. No. Name of Lab. Area (In Sq./meter) Cost of Equipements (In Rs.)
1 Metrology and Quality Control 90.52 45,43,510.00
2 Metallurgy Lab 69.44 19,18,379.00
3 Centre of Excellence 142.56 1,68,42,439.00
a)      CIM lab
b)      Condition Monitoring lab
c)       Precision Metrology laboratory
4 Non-Conventional Machine Lab 12 11,88,850.00
5 Internal Combustion Engine Lab 126.7 44,24,461.00
6 Automobile Lab 290.32 6,25,868.00
7 Fluid & Turbo Machinery Lab 11,77,017.00
8 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 66.96 7,79,547.00
9 Heat Transfer Laboratory 91.5 9,11,825.00
11 Testing And Measurement Lab 67.97 2,94,621.00
12 Industrial Fluid Power Lab 3,81,412.00
13 Design & Dynamics Lab 3,48,329.00
14 Mechatronics Lab 83.21 19,23,886.00
15 Tribology Lab 83.21 5,67,375.00
15 Control Engineering Lab 8,96,800.00